
One-Stop Supplying

We have more than 15000m2 stock to satisfy customers basic installation projects material for more than 3 months to satisfy customer one-stop buying.

Fast Delivery

We can processed 50000 parts every week, usually delivery out 7-15 working days.

Excellent Price

Except the way of cooperation with operators, we also cooperated with top 10 manufacturers of different accessories to supply good quality with good price.

OEM Abundant Material

Devicetsore cooperated with all Chinese government-owned operators to do their asset recycling service, which is the only authorized company to handle operators' idle asset legally (like Huawei ZTE Ericsson Nokia network hardware and accessories like different cables, optics, installation material, cabinets etc)

Compatible Quality

Our R&D platform will test and make sure products are compatible with your equipment.


We have professional engineers team to manufacture according to customer detail request.
